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No one can dispute that poetry is written to be enjoyed. It is an intense form of expression in which words and images are very carefully chosen to appeal to the emotions. Looking carefully at how and why a poet has written, leads to a greater understanding of the poem.


All of this is true, but the main concern of a student is writing for accreditation. No matter how uplifting or thought provoking a piece of poetry on an exam paper might be, it is still an item for assessment,

Poetry Analysis

  • Poetry is set as part of most examinations for English Literature. This means that pupils must read and dissect poems, and construct intelligent critiques which show that they understand the workings of poetry.

    This books looks at techniques used to construct poetry and concentrates on the text centred technical aspects of poetry.

    This workbook is aimed towards all upper secondary pupils. It will endeavour to provide an extension to the standard text book of one or two chapters on poetry.

    All the sections are free-standing, to allow you to use as much or as little as required.

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